Clean Energy Test Centres (0)
Bioheat Generation Facilities (1)
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Facilities (2)
Small-scale and Distributed Generation (3)
| 7.1 |
| Biomass |
| Hydro |
| Solar |
| Wind |
Tidal Energy Resource potential in Canada: Mean Potential Power (MW) (4)
| Less than 2 |
| 2 - 10 |
| 10.1 - 25 |
| 25.1 - 50 |
| 50.1 - 100 |
| 100.1 - 200 |
| 200.1 - 500 |
| 500.1 - 1000 |
| 1000.1 - 5000 |
| Greater than 5000 |
Research, Development and Demonstration Projects (5)
Uranium Resource Potential (6)
| Uranium Occurence |
Geothermal Facilities (7)
Biomass (8)
Carbon Capture Storage (9)
Dam Project (10)
Geothermal (11)
Hydro Electricity (12)
Nuclear (13)
Run-of-river (14)
Wave (15)
Wind (16)
Transmission Lines (17)
Tidal (18)
Incubators and Accelerators (19)
| Company |