Description: The First Nations geographic location dataset contains the geographic location of First Nations (groups and subgroups) in Canada as points as well as basic attributes data. The location identifies where the First Nations live. Each First Nation point represents its administrative office address as it is registered in Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) Band Governance Management System (BGMS). When the First Nation administrative office is located outside its associated most populated reserve boundary, adjustments are made to relocate the point within its boundaries, otherwise within the boundaries of another associated reserve or the city where the administrative office is located. When the administrative office or the First Nation is impossible to locate, the location is based on the best available information on the First Nation (e.g. official First Nation Web site). A connection with the BGMS is in place to ensure that any update to the system is reflected in the attributes data associated with the location of each First Nation.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Geomatics Services, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, 2015.
Description: Aboriginal Lands of Canada Legislative Boundaries including legislative boundaries of Indian Reserves, Land Claim Settlement Lands (lands created under Comprehensive Land Claims Process that do not or will not have Indian Reserve status under the Indian Act) and Indian Lands.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Cadastral Information Service, Surveyor General Branch, Natural Resources Canada, 2017; Aboriginal and Treaty Rights Information System (ATRIS), Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, 2018.