Admiral's Finger pingo-like feature 2004, Tingmiark Plain, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (1)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Admiral's Finger site 1 2007, Tingmiark Plain, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (2)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Admiral's Finger site 2 2007, Tingmiark Plain, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (3)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Amauligak artifical island F24 2008, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (4)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Amauligak north transect 2004, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (5)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Amauligak scour 100 2006, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (6)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Amauligak scour 101 2006, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (7)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Amauligak scour 6170 2001, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (8)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Amauligak scour 6170 2001 and 2006, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (9)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Amauligak scour 6170 southern portion 2006, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (10)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Amauligak scour 7570 2006, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (11)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Amauligak south transect 2004, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (12)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Amauligak transect 2001, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (13)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Amauligak transect 2005, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (14)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Arnak artificial island 2003, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (15)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Baillie Knolls 2007, Kaglulik Plain, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (16)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Beaufort Sea 2009-2011, offshore northern Canada (17)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Beaufort Sea South 2013, offshore northern Canada (18)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Canyon Head 2013, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (19)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Chimney 420 2013, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (20)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Chimney 760 2013, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (21)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Erksak ice scours 2004, Tingmiark Plain, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (22)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Garry Knolls pingo-like features 2004, Kringalik Plateau, Mackenzie Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (23)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Garry Knolls pingo-like features 2004 and 2005, Kringalik Plateau, Mackenzie Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (24)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Garry Knolls pingo-like features 2006, Kringalik Plateau, Mackenzie Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (25)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Garry Knolls pingo-like features 2004, 2005 and 2006, Kringalik Plateau, Mackenzie Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (26)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Herschel SDC setdown site 2006, Natsek Plain, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (27)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Herschel Sill 2003, Natsek Plain, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (28)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Herschel west block 2008, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (29)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Ice scour pipeline route 2008, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (30)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Ikit Trough survey transit 2006, Kringalik Plateau, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (31)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Ikit Trough survey transit 2008, Kringalik Plateau, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (32)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Isserk artificial island E-27 2008, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (33)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Issungnak artificial island 2001, Akpak Plateau, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (34)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Issungnak artificial island 2006, Akpak Plateau, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (35)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Issungnak artificial island 2008, Akpak Plateau, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (36)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Issungnak transit line 2007, Ikit Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (37)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Itiyok artificial island 2004, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (38)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Kaglulik pingo-like feature 2003, Kaglulik Plain, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (39)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Kaubvik artificial island 2001, Ikit Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (40)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Kogyuk artificial island 2004, Tingmiark Plain, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (41)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Koponoar pingo-like feature 2004, Ikit Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (42)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Kugmallit area pingo-like features 2007, Kugmallit Bay, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (43)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Kugmallit gas vents 2001, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (44)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Kugmallit gas vents 2004, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (45)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Kugmallit gas vents 2005, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (46)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Kugmallit gas vents 2008, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (47)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Kugmallit habitat site 2004, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (48)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Kugmallit transit 2003, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (49)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Liverpool Bay Part 1 2007, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (50)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Liverpool Bay Part 2 2007, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (51)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Mackenzie extreme ice scour 793 2003, Mackenzie Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore eastern Canada (52)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Mackenzie habitat site 2004, Mackenzie Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (53)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Mackenzie habitat site 2006, Mackenzie Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (54)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Mackenzie Trough ice scour area 2001, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (55)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
McKinley Bay, 2007, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (56)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Minuk artificial island 2003, Kringalik Plateau, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (57)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Minuk artificial island 2007, Kringalik Plateau, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (58)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Netserk transit 2001, Kringalik Plateau, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (59)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Nipterk 2003, Ikit Trough, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (60)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Nipterk artificial island 2005, Ikit Trough, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (61)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Nipterk K44 ice scour area 2005, Ikit Trough, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (62)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Nipterk south transit 2001, Ikit Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (63)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Nipterk to Kaubvik transect 2001, Ikit Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (64)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Paktoa area 2003, Mackenzie Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (65)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Paktoa area 2004, Mackenzie Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (66)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Paktoa ice scours 2004, Mackenzie Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (67)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Paktoa SDC setdown site 2006, Mackenzie Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (68)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Paktoa SDC remnant site 2007, Mackenzie Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (69)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Paktoa transect 2005, Mackenzie Trough, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (70)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Pullen north transit 2001, Kugmallit Channel, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (71)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Shelf Section - Intact 2013, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (72)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Shelf Section - Slumped 2013, Beaufort Shelf, offshore northern Canada (73)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Tingmiark historic well site 2007, Tingmiark Plain, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (74)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Yukon Shelf east 2005, Natsek Plain, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (75)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Yukon Shelf west 2005, Natsek Plain, Beaufort Sea, offshore northern Canada (76)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |