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snippet: By investing in clean programs, Canada is playing a leading role in the global low-carbon movement.
summary: By investing in clean programs, Canada is playing a leading role in the global low-carbon movement.
extent: [[-126.852981561583,37.7996461852287],[-51.4107492428695,58.3308694156435]]
accessInformation: Natural Resources Canada
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: From green infrastructure to renewable energy sources, this interactive map showcases Canada’s investments in clean projects across the country since 2016. It includes layers for Canada's natural resources sectors: energy, forestry and mining. Specific information, such as funding amounts, locations and partners, is also included for each project. As investments are announced, the data will be updated.
title: NRCan_CleanResourceInvestments_EN
type: Map Service
tags: ["Clean Energy","Green Infrastructure","Interactive Map"]
culture: en-CA
name: NRCan_CleanResourceInvestments_EN
guid: 81F41020-6524-4D5F-9192-7D16371BEFC4
spatialReference: NAD_1983_Canada_Atlas_Lambert